If it ain't Broken!

I wear a broken watch. I tried to repair it but the watch repair lady said it was difficult to fix. Her UNhelpful reply compelled me to find another way. That was two years ago now. 
The timepiece was given to me by mother so I hold it dear. It looks good on my wrist, too, along side my diamond- clustered pinky ring that once belonged to my flamboyant pop. I wear them both when properly attired. 
While pondering points of grammar in Ms Yang's Chinese course, I glanced down at my watch and noticed it was stuck on 9:03. 
I casually raised my head and saw that the classroom clock also read 9:03. For a flickering instant I thought my precious watch was working again! 
Nope. Not at all. 
I learned long ago there are no coincidences in life. This morning's occurrence was merely a subtle reminder that, no matter the time, there's more to life than meets the eye.
